Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mississippi River Fishing

We are a family of "River Rats". That's all there is to it. And we're proud of it too! There is nothing better than sitting on the banks of the River with friends. Chatting... eating... fishing... We spend many a night doing those things. We've been frequenting the River since before Tyler was born. Once he came into the picture we got him a little tent so that he could play and sleep in comfort. But once he was able to hold a fishing rod he started spending most of his time out fishing with us. He started out fishing for regular River fish... Sheephead, Walleye, and such. Then once he was a little older he moved on to Catfish with the rest of us. We have lots of fond memories from those days.

"River Rat" Tyler got his first Flathead Catfish of the year last night. He was having a silly giggly moment, so we had a hard time getting a decent photo...

It brought back memories, so I had to dig up a photo of his very first Flathead EVER, back in July of 2005, at the ripe old age of 4.

Now don't let that small fish fool you. He wasn't messing around, even back then. Here's a Channel Catfish he caught the week before...

I've enjoyed my little stroll through memory lane. I can't wait to see Emily catch her first fish!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hello Proud River Rats! I love it! Tyler is quite the little fisherman, very impressive! One of my fondest childhood memories was fishing with my Dad. One time my hook got tangled in this massive Carp's tail, practically bigger than me. My Dad helped me reel it all the way in! Now my kids go fishing with him.

Thanks for sharing your river fishing adventure and memories.
