Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nature Walk Marathon - Part 1

Dave took us for a ride today and decided to show us around a few nearby spots along the Mississippi River that he thought would be good for nature walks. And boy did he!! We ended up walking at 3 different spots today and we got to see some really neat things out there!

First stop was Boom Island Park. We are not new to this park. It is one of our local fishing spots. We had never really taken the time to walk the trails though, so this was a fun walk. Right away we were greeted by this little guy...

I have decided that I think it is a Yellow-Rumped Warbler. If anyone thinks differently, let me know please. I originally thought him to be a Yellow-Throated Warbler, but this little guy had a bright yellow behind when he flew away. So pretty.

As we continued along the trail we ran into a young boy and his dad. The little boy was carrying a net and Dad was carrying a pillowcase. Hmmm. So I said to Tyler I wonder what they're catching?? He said he had no idea, and went over to ask them. They were catching Garter Snakes. They had one in their pillowcase and even took him out for Tyler to see and pet. Tyler was giggling after because its tail wrapped around his finger. We ran into them a couple more times as we walked and they had caught a couple more. They got one out a second time and let Tyler hold it. Great nature study if you ask me! We also found out that they do this often... they catch critters and take them home and keep them for a week or so and then bring them back and release them and catch something else. Sounds fun! I told Tyler we would watch Craigslist for a used aquarium and try doing this. I think it would be fun to have a little revolving pet thing going... frogs, toads, snakes... We did a little tromping around in the grass to see if we could stir a snake up, but no luck!

We also came across this tree that had fallen over and ripped its roots right out of the ground. Tyler thought it was pretty cool...

And then there was this...

Goes to show that you never know WHAT you may find in nature!! LOL

(NOTE: That is NOT a real animal. Someone obviously has a sense of humor and decided to share it with us. :) )

We also saw a Cardinal, a Goldfinch, a bunch of Grackles, and a Rabbit during our walk here. We found a couple of cool rocks as well that we think might be Agates.

That concludes Part 1 of our Nature Walk Marathon... Part 2 will follow shortly. We saw something at our next stop that deserves its own post!


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